02. - 04. September 2015
Summer SchoolSeparation Processes - Liquid Extraction: Practice and Theory
Kaiserslautern, 2 - 4 September 2015
Course information and registration
Organization: Prof. Dipl.-Ing., Dr. tech. H.J. Bart
Guaranteed access to metals is a major issue when it comes to boosting European industry. However, long term trends clearly indicate that the resources we can extract (be they primary or secondary) show decreasing yields and increasing complexity (polymetalism). In this context extractive metallurgy has to resort to more and more complex processes in order to get the best value out of these resources. Hydrometallurgy with its diverse approaches can contribute to this collective effort.
The purpose of this summer school, which is aimed at PhD students or young professionals, is to exemplify different hydrometallurgical techniques (extraction, precipitation and solvent recovery) and to get a fundamental understanding on economically effective process steps.
Course programme
Venue: TU Kaiserslautern/Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Building 44, 67653 Kaiserslautern
External lecturer:
zur Übersicht