European Coating Symposium 2019
08. - 11. September
Organized by GVT / DECHEMA
Only a few places left!
The 13th European Coating Symposium will take place in Heidelberg, Germany from 8 to 11 Sptember 2019 at the Heidelberg Marriott Hotel
At this event, the most renowned coating scientists will present recent advances in the fields of Coating, Printing and Drying of Thin Films, Smart Coatings and Materials.
ECS 2019 Chairs:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Wilhelm Schabel (KIT)
- Dr.-Ing. Philip Scharfer (KIT)
Advances in Coating & Drying of Thin Films, Smart Coatings & Materials
- Li-Ion Battery Material Coatings
- New Anode / Cathode / Separator Material Coatings
- Printed Electronics for Energy harvesting
- Digital Printing, Ink Jet Technology
- Liquid Drop Jetting and Aerosol Printing Technologies
- 3D Lithographic Printing and Additive Manufacturing
- 3D Multilayer Stacking Technologies
- Fundamentals in Film Drying, Diffusion, Heat & Mass Transfer
- Paints, Varnishes, Adhesives
- Superhydrophobic Materials, Self-Assembling Coatings
- Hybrid Inorganic / Organic & Protein Coatings
- Self-Healing and Shape-Memory Coatings
- Electroconductive Polymers and Coatings
- Thermo-Active, Stimuli Responsive and Photochromic Materials
Invited Talks:
- N. Jaewook: Coating research for mass production technologies of next-gen electronics (Seoul National University)
- A. Routh: Stratification in Drying Coatings (University of Cambridge)
- M. Hermatschweiler: Two-Photon Polymerization - a key enabling technology: From maskless lithography to 3D printing (CEO Nanoscribe)
- S. Abbott: Adhesion Science for Coaters (CEO TCNF)
Plenary Talks:
- P. H. Gaskell: Thin liquid film formation on hemispherical and conical substrate (University of Durham)
- A. Darhuber: Dynamics of unstable dewetting at soft interfaces (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- T. Harris: Aerosol Jet Printing of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Solutions (Georgia Insitute of Technology)
- L. Limat: Statics and dynamics of contact lines on a deformable coating (Paris Diderot University)
- F. Durst: Methods for Local Property Investigations of Liquid Curtain Flows (FMP Technology GmbH)
- M. Toivakka: Slot die coating of nanographite/nanocellulose-based electrodes for metal-free supercapacitors (Abo Akademi University, Turku)
- R. Diehm: Advantages and Limitations of Structured Coatings of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes (KIT)
- S. Wilson: Recent Developments in Rivulet Flow (University of Strathclyde)
- D. Seveno: Printing on textile: a wetting view (University of Leuven)
- H. Benkreira: Film Transfer in Reverse Roll Coating: Film Thickness and Stability Window (University of Bradford)
- L. Pauchard: Crack patterns in drying films: Laboratory models to study paintings (University of Paris-Saclay)
- N. Kobayashi: Structure formation due to phase separation in polymer nanocomposite thin films during solution casting (Tohoku University)
Session Talks:
- 3 days Parallel Sessions with 36 speakers from industry and academia
- Short Poster Communications: 20 selected contributions with Option on Best Poster Award
Deadline for early bird registration is May 1st 2019.
Download ECS 2019 Flyer (PDF, 247 KB)
Participation fee
Early birds (until 1 May 2019)
Industry EUR 850 / University - Academics EUR 650 / Students EUR 400 / Accompanying person EUR 90
Later (after 1 May 2019)
Industry EUR 950 / University - Academics EUR 750 / Students EUR 500 / Accompanying person EUR 110
In case of a cancellation before 1st August 2019 a fee of 200 EUROS will be charged; in case of a later cancellation the full course fee must be charged.
The symposium will take place at the Heidelberg Marriott Hotel, Vangerowstraße 16, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany. For participants of the European Coating Symposium rooms are available at special rates under the reference "ECS 2019".
Single room EUR 155 (Breakfast included)
Double room EUR 170 (Breakfast included)
Hotel reservations:

Photo with courtesy of Heidelberg Marriott Hotel

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